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The light in the darkness 

Graduate collection 2024


This collection is inspired by being your own person and expressing your individuality through clothes. As a child I was shy and concerned what people thought of me and as I have grown older, attending events such as festivals and clubbing has really brought my confidence out to make me the person I am today. I have taken inspiration from the positive side of the industry which are often overlooked, and addressed the positive impact that attending such events can have on a person, feeling less judged, more free and bonding with new people and communities, creating a more accepting society. 

I wanted this escapist feeling to enter my collection and look at people using clubbing and festivals to escape their own realities. I wanted the collection to be a dopamine boost (dopamine dressing) and be bright not only in the day but also in the night to show there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

The attention to detail is symbolising the stimulation of different senses felt whilst in the club and each time a different part of the garment draws attention. This contributes to the high quality of the garments cementing a relationship with the wearer creating a garment attachment as the idea is they create memories attached to the garment making it hard for them to part with it and want to wear it again and again.This is contributing to tackling the issue with people wanting a new cheap fast fashion outfit for every event they attend. With there being multiple garments layered for each outfit, it means they can be worn again and again and look totally different depending on how it's been styled. With the outer garments being more baggy streetwear and the undergarments fitted but stretchy activewear, the wearer will always be able to move freely and could wear the garments separately for different purposes such as running errands or going to the gym.

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